Tenders Archive
Tender No: Letter No. 1020
Short call notice for construction of civil works during the year 2023-24 in Silviculture Division, Rayagada
Tender No: Letter No. 261
Invitation for Bids for construction of Civil Works in Ghumsur North Division.
Tender No: Memo No:6005
Short Tender Notice for Construction of Ministerial staff Quarter at Forest Colony Athamallik Under Athamallik range of Athamallik forest Division.
Tender No: Memo No:6006
Short tender notice for Construction of Group D Staff Quarter at Forest Colony Athamallik Under Athamallik range of Athamallik forest Division.
Tender No: NIT No:929/10F- (CAMPA)-50/2023
RFP for Selection of Third Party Agency for conducting evaluation of projects undertaken under CAMPA APO 2022-23
Tender No: Tender No. 238/1F- 62/2023
Tender call Notice for Selection of Agency for Operation & Maintenance of Infrastructure Facilities,Pollution Abatement and Surveillance Service Developed at Sonapur Blue Flag Beach (Proposed Blue FlagBeach Site) Ganjam,Odisha.
Tender No: Bid Identification No . DFO-ANG-02/2023-24
e-Procurement Notice, Angul Forest Division .
Tender No: Memo No:4630
e- Procurement Notice for construction of civil works under Koraput Forest Division during the year 2023-24.
Tender No: Letter No. 5483/1F
Advertisement regarding Re-Tender of O/o the DFO, Paralakhemundi Division.
Tender No: Order No: 452
Construction of Watch Tower at Chinimahul, Sonakhan Section of Rajgangpur Range, Rourkela Forest Division.
Tender No: Letter No .554/2023/SMPB(15/2023)
Tender Notice and Advertisement of 16th Kalinga Herbal Fair -2023 at Bhubaneswar
Tender No: Order No 450
Call Notice for Construction of SMC Structure at Panposh, Kuarmunda, Banki, Bisra, Rajgangpur & Biramitrapur Forest Range, Rourkela Forest Division.
Tender No: Bid Identification No . DFO-BLS-01/2023-24
Tender notice for construction of forest guard quarter under Balasore Wildlife Division
Tender No: Letter No. 96/1F(Accts)/2023
Construction of Civil Work at Jeypore Forest Division during the year 2023-24.
Tender No: Bid Identification No . 229/1F
Tender for construction of Eco-Park at Baghalati Reservior in Samantiapalli Range of Berhampur Forest Division.
Tender No: Bid Identification No . DFO-CTC-01of 2023-24
Publication of e-Procurement for construction of Forester, Forest Guard, Ministerial and Class-IV Qtr under CAMPA and Prog. Exp. Scheme during FY 2023-2024 of Cuttack Forest Division.
Tender No: Letter No. 5570
E Tender Notice of Construction of Forester Quarters, Forest Guard Quarters & Seizure Yard 2023-24 of Sambalpur Forest Division.
Tender No: Letter No. 3927
E-procurement Notice for building work.
Tender No: Bid Identification No . DFO-JSG-01/2023(1F)
Construction of e-Procurement tender of Forester Quarter & Forest Guard Quarter under Jharsuguda Forest Division during the FY 2023-24 (CAMPA).
Tender No: Tender Notice No:5525/1F/2023
Construction of Forest Guard Quarter at Dhandatopa under Dhandatopa Range of Athmallik Forest Division
Tender No: Tender Notice No:5524/1F/2023
Construction of Forest Guard Quarters at Bipradihi under Dhandatopa Range of Athmallik Forest Division
Tender No: Bid Identification No . DFO-ANG-01/2023-24
Construction of Forest Guard Quarter at Purunagarh In Angul Range for the year 2023-24
Tender No: Bid Identification No . 215/1f
Tender for construction of buildings (forest guard quarters) in Berhampur forest Division.
Tender No: Letter No. 4090/1F
Tender notice for selection of a contractor for building Construction works in Paralakhemundi Forest Division
Tender No: Bid Identification No 01/2023-24
Construction of Forest Guard Quarter and Seizure Yard under CAMPA APO-2023-24.
Tender No: Bid Identification No . 216/1F
Tender for construction of safe bathing ghat at khamrigaon in digapahandi range of Berhampur forest Division
Tender No: Notice No:186
Tender for Providing Manpower Services for FY 2023-24.
Tender No: Notice No - 726/10F CAMPA -50/2023
Advertisement regarding Request for Propsal (REP)-Third Party Agency for conducting evalution of project undertaken under CAMPA APO 2022-23
Tender No: Letter No.2676 /1F-02(Actt.)/2023-24
Tender No: Notice No.343
Short Tender Notice for Hiring of Vehicle in respect of Rourkela Forest Division for the year 2023-24.