As per the Revised Operational Guidelines issued during 2009 by National Afforestation and Eco-development Board (NAEB), the State Forest Development Agency, Odisha was constituted on 17.06.2010 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 with PCCF, Odisha as the Chairperson and CCF (PP&A) as the Member Secretary and Chief Executive. The aim of the constitution of this state level agency is to implement the centrally sponsored schemes in the participatory mode by a three-tier set-up, namely State Forest Development Agency (SFDA) at the State level, Forest Development Agencies (FDAs) at the forest division level and Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMCs) or Eco-development Committees (EDCs) at the village level. The SFDA is the federation of 46 FDA divisions of the state. The Chairpersons and Member-Secretaries of all FDAs of the State are members of SFDA, Odisha. No FDA has been formed in Chilika (WL), Sunabeda (WL), Mahanadi (WL), and STR (Baripada) divisions.