Budget from various Sources
The Budget detail from various sources for Forestry Sector during the Financial Year 2020-21 is given below:

Sl. No. Source
1 Administrative Expenditure (Non-plan)
2 Programme Expenditure (Plan)
3 Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA)(Plan since 2019-20)
Funds Received under Extra Budgetary Source
4 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)
5 Odisha Environment Management Fund (OEMF)
6 District Mineral Fund (DMF)
7 Odisha Mineral Bearing Areas Development Corporation (OMBADC)
8 National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
9 Other Corporate Sectors like OMC, Railways,MCL, OPGC etc.

Budget Provision in Last Thirteen Years

The Budget provision in Forestry Sector under Plan & Non- Plan head during the last thirteen years is summarized below:

Year Figures  (Rs. in lakhs)
Non-Plan Plan Total
2008-09 35038.23 21001.23 56039.46
2009-10 37817.76 21609.18 59426.94
2010-11 37069.38 24204.25 61273.63
2011-12 38309.00 28648.51 66957.51
2012-13 27952.84 36873.23 64826.07
2013-14 25791.51 39351.00 65142.51
2014-15 30722.16 25885.74 56607.90
2015-16 23040.88 20378.77 43419.65
2016-17 24637.81 18093.32 42731.13
  Non-Plan/ Adminstrative Expenditure Programme Expenditure  
2017-18 30600.01 10057.75 40657.76
2018-19 30599.90 21989.24 52589.14
2019-20 31626.79 93963.00 125589.79
2020-21 31561.70 128670.50 160232.2

Expenditure on Forest Research

The programme named as Forest Research with the budget provision under the Programme Expenditure Scheme "Training Programme"envisages to support special research schemes on the following themes:

  1. Tree breeding / improvement activities of commercially important trees and important indigenous species including NTFPs,
  2. Standardisation of nursery & establishment techniques of medicinal plants and NTFP species.
  3. Sustainable harvest techniques for NTFPs and medicinal plants.
  4. Propagation of improved varieties of Bamboo and Canes.
  5. Application of bio-fertiliser.
  6. Development of agro-forestry models in different agro-climatic zones and
  7. Development of seed production areas for major species.